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Korean Language/자음 + 모음

Korean Language 겨녀뎌 [Free PDF] 한글자음모음

by @$### 2022. 5. 27.

If you are interested in learning the Korean language, one of the first things you need to know is the Korean alphabets or Hangul. The Korean language has a unique writing system that was invented in the 15th century by King Sejong.

Korean Language 겨녀뎌 (Han-Geul Study)

If you are studying Hangul for the first time, I recommend you to study the letters and sounds of consonants and vowels first. And afterwards, it's good to study the sounds and letters that are made by combining consonants and vowels.



한글자음모음 (Consonanats and Vowels)

Hangul consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. If you want to study Hangul, I recommend you to study the letters and sounds of consonants and vowels first. Hangul is a language that combines consonants and vowels to create new letters. As shown in the table below, you can learn the sound of Hangul with English pronunciation.


This material is provided to those who want to study Hangul, which is Korean. This material is to practice writing that can be made by combining 14 consonants and the vowel 'ㅕ' (yeo) sound.



Korean Alphabets



Korean Alphabets
Korean Alphabets






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