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Korean Language/자음 + 모음

Korean Language Basics [고노도] 한글 자음 모음 PDF

by @$### 2022. 5. 29.

Korean alphabets are called Hangeul, which is a unique writing system designed by King Sejong in the 15th century. It consists of 24 letters, including 14 consonants and 10 vowels.

Korean Language Basics [고노도] 한글 자음 모음 PDF

It is said that Korean language is Hangul. It's made up of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. The recommended study method for those who are studying Hangul for the first time is to study the sounds and letters of consonants and vowels separately. If you've studied all 14 consonants and 10 vowels and sounds, the next step is to study consonants and vowels combined.


Today, we're going to study 14 consonants and letters that combine the vowels 'ㅗ' (O sound). Hangul combines consonants and vowels to make a new sound, so I recommend you to study the sounds of each letter while learning the pronunciation of vowels.




Korean consonants and vowels (한글 자음 모음)

Korean is a fascinating language with a unique writing system called Hangul. Hangul consists of 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels, which can be combined to form complex syllables. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of Korean consonants and vowels.

Korean Basic Materials

The data below can be used by anyone who wants to study Korean. This material was produced by a Korean writer. We made it so that even young children can learn Hangul easily. Thank you for loving Korea.


Korean Alphabets


Korean Alphabets
Korean Alphabets






ㄱㄴㄷ (한글 자음: Korean Alphabet Consonants)

ㄱㄴㄷ (한글 자음: Korean Consonants) 한글 공부 자음 쓰기 Studying Korean. Writing consonants Hangeul consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels, a total of 24 letters. The beginning of the Korean..




한글 모음 무료 자료 ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ (Korean Hangeul Vowels) Free PDF

한글 모음 무료 자료 (Korean Hangeul Vowels) Free PDF Hangul is a Korean letter. It has 14 consonants and 10 vowels. It's very easy to learn. A character that combines vowels and consonants..




Korean Language PDF [한글 자음 모음 따라쓰기]

한글 따라 쓰기 무료 자료 PDF Hangul is the letter of Korea. It consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Hangul combines consonants and vowels to create new sounds. I recommend you to study conso..



