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Korean Language/자음 + 모음

Korean Language PDF [한글 자음 모음 따라쓰기]

by @$### 2022. 5. 24.

Korean is a beautiful language and learning it can be a fun and exciting experience. One of the first things you need to know when learning Korean is the Korean alphabet, also known as Hangul.

한글 따라 쓰기 무료 자료 PDF 

Hangul is the letter of Korea. It consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Hangul combines consonants and vowels to create new sounds. I recommend you to study consonants and vowels separately when you first study Hangul. After that, the easiest way is to study the combined pronunciation of consonants and vowels.




[한글 자음 모음 합치기] 

As shown in the table below, you can combine consonants and vowels to create new letters. Basically, it is the basic Korean character that you need to know. Use the letters below as the base and add a consonant to the bottom to create another letter. First of all, I recommend you to study all the letters listed below.

프린트 자료 

If you studied Korean consonants and vowels separately, it is recommended that you practice letters with new sounds by combining consonants and vowels from now on. As shown in the table below, we have gathered basic letters that can combine consonants and vowels.




Korean alphabets




Korean alphabets





가나다 따라쓰기 [무료프린트 자료] 한글자음모음 PDF

가나다 따라 쓰기 [무료 프린트 자료] 한글은 대한민국의 글자와 언어입니다. 자음 14개와 모음 10개로 이루어져 있습니다. 자음과 모음의 글자를 합쳐서 새로운 소리를 만드는 문




한글 모음 무료 자료 ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ (Korean Hangeul Vowels) Free PDF

한글 모음 무료 자료 (Korean Hangeul Vowels) Free PDF 한글은 한국의 글자입니다. 자음 14개와 모음 10개로 이루어져 있습니다. 배우기가 굉장히 쉽습니다. 모음과 자음을 합쳐서 새로운.




ㄱㄴㄷ (한글 자음: Korean Alphabet Consonants)

ㄱㄴㄷ (한글 자음: Korean Consonants) 한글 공부 자음 쓰기 Studying Korean. Writing consonants 한글은 14개의 자음과 10개의 모음 총 24자로 이루어져 있습니다. Hangeul consists of 14 conson..



