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Korean Language/자음 + 모음

Korean Alphabet Learning [ㄴ] Consonant / 한글 따라쓰기 무료 PDF

by @$### 2022. 6. 13.

Korean alphabets, also known as Hangul, is the official writing system in South Korea. The alphabets were created during the Joseon Dynasty in the 15th century and are composed of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Understanding the basics of Hangul is essential to reading, writing, and communicating effectively in the Korean language. In this blog post, we will discuss the three basic topics related to Korean alphabets.

Korean Alphabet Learning

Korean alphabets consist of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. Each consonant and vowel has a unique sound and pronunciation, and they are combined to form syllables. Unlike the English language, where each letter in a word represents a sound, each letter in a Korean syllable represents a syllable sound. For example, the syllable "가" is composed of the consonant "ㄱ" and the vowel "ㅏ," which together create the sound "ga." Once you have learned the individual consonants and vowels, you will be able to read and write Korean syllables and words with ease.


The Korean language is called Hangul. Hangul has 14 basic consonants, 4 double consonants, 10 basic vowels, and 11 compound vowels. When studying for the first time, it is recommended to study 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels first. Last time, we studied the consonant 'ㄱ' (kiyeok). This time we  will study the second consonant 'ㄴ' (nieun).




[ㄴ] Consonant

The second consonant is pronounced 'Nieun'. It is similar to the N sound in the English alphabet. The Korean language is made of letters after the shape of the pronunciation in the mouth. So if you study while imagining the shape of the tongue and the pronunciation and shape of the letters in your mouth, you can learn the letters more easily.



This data is made by Korean mothers for their children. However, we upgraded the materials a little more for foreigners who want to learn Korean. Anyone who loves Korea and is interested in Korean can use this material. Thank you to people who love Korean language and culture.


Korean Alphabet





Korean Alphabet
Korean Alphabet







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